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ITS Australia Summit 2023
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Renata Berglas

National Leader, Mobility Futures - National Transport Research Organisation


Professional Bio

Renata Berglas currently leads the Mobility Futures group at the National Transport Research Organisation (NTRO), where she investigates new transport technology (including alternative fuels, climate adaption and autonomous vehicles) and the important role that data plays in the transport sector. She is focused on facilitating transition to zero emission transport, opening dialogue between industry and government to form productive collaboration. Energy and the hydrogen sector more broadly are a particular passion for Renata that she pursues through her roles in with the Queensland Government on Minister De Brenni’s Hydrogen Taskforce and H2Q Hydrogen Queensland.   

Renata is moderating session:

30 August 2023 11:00 am Eureka 2 (Ground Floor)

Renata's Talks

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