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ITS Australia Summit 2023

A systematic data-driven framework for evaluating changes on traffic corridors



4:15 pm

28 August 2023

Eureka 2 (Ground Floor)

BreakOut Session 16: Data Driven Solutions

Talk Description

Institution: Queensland University of Technology - Queensland, Australia

Transport agencies evaluate the conditions of roadways and intersections on a regular basis and make necessary changes to enhance their performance. Those changes should be systematically evaluated to quantify their effect on the operation of roadways and/or intersections. This study proposes a systematic framework for a formal evaluation and quantification of changes on road infrastructure. The proposed framework incorporates (i) a Before-After analysis including several performance assessment measures, e.g., empirical cumulative distribution function, buffer index, and planning time index, and (ii) a pattern analysis which aims at evaluating the effects of changes considering inherent variability and dynamics that characterises traffic. The proposed framework is equipped with several statistical tests for evaluations, including the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Pearson’s correlation test. Three case studies in South-East Queensland were analysed. Two of the case studies include changes on signal timings. There were no changes in the third case study thereby representing a control scenario. The proposed framework effectively quantified the changes on the first two case studies, while no statistically significant changes were observed for the third case study. In addition, statistically distinct patterns were found with respect to day of the week, and separately for morning and afternoon peak periods. 
