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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Achieving Digital Transformation: Preparing the infrastructure and policy framework to deploy the latest in ITS technology


Talk Description

Institution: Kapsch TrafficCom Australia

Technologists and policymakers largely inhabit two separate worlds. It's an old problem, one that the British scientist CP Snow identified in a 1959 essay entitled ‘The Two Cultures’. The essay was influential, but 60 years later, nothing has changed.  Consider artificial intelligence (AI); this technology has the potential to augment human decision-making with something fairer, more consistent, faster and more scalable. But it also has the potential to entrench bias and inequity and to act in ways that are unexplainable and undesirable. Where and how should government step in and regulate what is largely a market-driven industry?  David will discuss how to prepare the infrastructure to effectively deploy the latest in ITS technologies.
