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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Enhancing Safety in Roadworks using C-ITS: A Proof of Concept for Temporary Traffic Management in an Australian Context



3:15 pm

29 August 2023

Eureka 3 (Ground Floor)

BreakOut Session 35: Connected Transport – CV Concepts

Talk Description

Institution: WSP Australia, Department of Transport and Main Roads QLD - Australia

Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) has the potential to save lives when infrastructure is deployed on roads: particularly at roadworks, intersections, and motorways. For Queensland, this infrastructure could cover 4000 signalised intersections and roadworks across 33,384 kilometres of state-controlled roads. In recent years there has been an increase in the number of roadside station offerings on the market, however there is some uncertainty in current capability. Queensland's Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) undertook a Proof-of-Concept to understand the commonly supported and industry-standard products available for portable (mobile) uses in roadworks. 

Seven suppliers were engaged to validate the technical capability of their solutions, integrate with core elements of the Queensland C-ITS system (security credential management system and central facility) and to demonstrate these solutions in a field demonstration to future users from the traffic management industry. Demonstrations were focused on applying European-based solutions to the most common roadwork layouts used in the Australian/Queensland Guide to Temporary Traffic Management. 

This paper outlines the standard functionality provided by C-ITS roadside stations, how they apply to common temporary traffic scenarios and the lessons learned from the Proof-of-Concept. 
