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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Move over airplanes — airports need good pilots too!


Talk Description

Institution: Stantec - Australia

Sometimes a really good idea is just that – a good idea. But when put to the test, it turns out that the idea needs some work to become good in practice as well. Thus, the importance of the pilot project. Organisations in every industry rely on pilots to test out their concepts, to determine if what sounds good on paper can actually deliver on its promise. Airports are no different. New and emerging technologies, like autonomous vehicles (AV), are being introduced on a seemingly daily basis.  So, it makes sense to build a program focused on determining if these solutions can truly benefit airport operations.
The Ford Launchpad for Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship (FLITE) at the Gerald R. Ford International Airport in Grand Rapids, Michigan is one such program. FLITE was formed to test innovative technologies at the same time as engaging mobility start-ups, expanding Michigan’s smart infrastructure and accelerating AV adoption in the state. Stantec GenerationAV has played a lead role in facilitating the first two phases of pilots and current planning for Phase 3.  The planning, deployment and evaluation of seven AV solutions to date (and counting) has provided unique insight on the approach to facilitating pilots, and the steps required to successfully deploy in a live airport environment.
Lara and Trent (who is part of the global Stantec GenerationAV team) will present on these learnings and how we are using the findings to shape planning for airports across Australia and globally.
