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ITS Australia Summit 2023

National V2X Data Exchange for safer Australia



1:30 pm

30 August 2023

Eureka 1 (Ground Floor)

BreakOut Session 45: Data Analytics / Ecosystem

Talk Description

Institution: Telstra - VIC, Australia

The nation-wide technology to dramatically improve road safety in Australia exists today. Using locally-built V2X Data Exchange which connects transport authorities with road users, critical safety information is delivered and acted upon. V2X Data Exchange uses open, flexible, scalable and secure API-enabled architecture. The orchestration is conducted in accordance with leading international standards, such as ETSI and 5GAA to avoid data silos and closed ecosystem fragmentation. 
The cloud-based platform prioritises data sovereignty and enables a wide variety of players, such as government, OEMs, fleet operators, road authorities and broader community to cooperate in the interests of road safety. Targeted messages, such as Hazard warning or Virtual signs are delivered using low latency, high accuracy and secure communication with sufficient coverage for Australian conditions. Early use cases have already been tried and tested by state road authorities, telematics providers and third parties in Australia. Looking into the future, the components of V2X Data Exchange can be deployed on the Edge to not only enhance safety, but also for efficiency and convenience use cases, paving the way for connected / autonomous driving.
