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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Riding the Green Wave to Sustainable Mobility



4:00 pm

28 August 2023

Eureka 1 (Ground Floor)

BreakOut Session 15: Sustainable Transport Futures

Talk Description

Institution: Kapsch TrafficCom Australia

Congestion is a major source of frustration for millions of drivers, a leading cause of pollution and extracts major cost from society in lost productivity. Congestion levels remain high despite the substantial investment constantly going into roadside-centric traffic management. It doesn’t have to be that way: congestion is a solvable problem. 
 Improving vehicle throughput by only a small percentage has a major impact in reducing congestion. During the US federal government shutdown in 2019, vehicle volumes were 8% lower than usual in DC Metro. As a result, congestion disappeared almost everywhere. However, conventional, roadside-centric solutions are not sufficient to tackle congestion; the industry stands at the cusp of major disruption. Traditional traffic management mitigates congestion – but fails to reduce it beyond today’s levels. To resolve congestion, a truly symbiotic interaction between vehicles and roadside is required.
 Most behavioural components that constitute transportation are not (deliberately) managed by today’s infrastructure-centric approaches. Demand management makes the difference by factoring in road user behaviour to optimize road traffic flow and achieve reduced congestion and emissions. Addressing the full value chain of transportation paves the way towards cities without congestion.
 In this presentation, I will be sharing how ITS technology can be utilized to optimize road user behaviour to pave the way for sustainable mobility and ultimately minimizing road congestion.
