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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Tactical Adelaide Model - A common reference point


Talk Description

Institution: Aimsun, South Australian Department for Infrastructure and Transport - Australia

The Tactical Adelaide Model (TAM) is a framework model, built on the Aimsun Next platform, developed by the South Australian Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) in close collaboration with Aimsun Pty Ltd. TAM facilitates the harmonisation for building transport and traffic models to respond to a wide range of purposes, from project option testing to operation network assessment as well as a platform to test ITS interventions.  The use of an integrated framework model can ensure a common reference point is used across different studies while providing a seamless interface between different tiers of transport models. With future forecast demand and network upgrade information incorporated in the model, TAM can be used to test ITS interventions not only for the existing conditions but also to provide insights on the implementation of the interventions for future year scenarios. 
