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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Technology Roadmap for Level Crossing Safety



2:00 pm

30 August 2023

Eureka 2 (Ground Floor)

BreakOut Session 46: Tunnels, Rail and Tolling systems

Talk Description

Institution: Metro Trains Melbourne, Victorian Department of Transport and Planning - VIC, Australia

Level crossings are often overlooked features from a road perspective yet continue to be a significant safety concern across Victoria and the world. Existing and emerging intelligent transport systems (ITS) can provide innovative and cost-effective solutions to manage safety risks at rail level crossings. This project is working to identify technology that can improve safety outcomes and mitigate adverse user behaviour around crossings. WSP has been working with MTM for the Victorian Rail Crossing Safety Steering Committee (VRCSSC) to develop a technology roadmap and prioritise technology to investigate.

The first part of the project worked to develop a roadmap that identifies short-, medium- and long-term technology that can mitigate adverse user behaviour around level crossings to improve safety outcomes. The roadmap intended to allow multiple government agencies, industry partners and operators to better understand mitigation methods to plan future activities and collaboration, such as technology trials. Following this, we developed criteria to prioritise and select technology to take forward to the detailed design, trial and/or concept of operations phase. Some of this technology is currently being trialled through AIMES.

The project demonstrated a process to capture new angles and opportunities to solve complex system problems with emerging technology. Throughout all phases, input was consistently sought from a broad range of stakeholders and sources beyond the traditional rail and road experts. 
