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ITS Australia Summit 2023

The Integrated Operations Management Control System at Australia’s most advanced Motorway Control Centre


Talk Description

Institution: SICE - VIC, Australia

With the opening of the most crucial phase of the project, the extension of the M4 and M8, in January 2023, the WestConnex tunnel has become one of the longest in the world. Overall, it currently has 26 km of continuous motorway tunnel that reduces traffic congestion and improves journey times between Parramatta and Mascot by up to 40 minutes for thousands of drivers every day.

The WestConnex Motorway Control Centre is now Australia’s most advanced Control Centre, allowing the operators to manage all WestConnex sections from a unique, fully integrated control room that operates under the umbrella of an Integrated OMCS (IOMCS), designed and implemented by SICE and based on its SIDERA solution. 

The IOMCS acting as the heart of this control centre currently integrates the three existing OMCSs that manage the different WestConnex sections in operation (M4 East, M8 and M4-M8 Link) and has the capacity to incorporate another 3 standalone tunnel OMCSs in the future, operating the entire motorway complex as a single tunnel thanks to its scalability and expandable architecture.

This paper will explore the process followed to deliver the most advanced Motorway Control Centre in Australia and how this remarkable piece of infrastructure is providing more efficient, safe and reliable trips thanks to this state-of-the-art IOMCS solution, allowing smooth coordination of incident management and maintenance activities in a unified and optimized way while reducing operating costs.
