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ITS Australia Summit 2023

The path towards zero-emission mobility with electric bus rapid transit (eBRT) systems


Talk Description

Institution: Institute of Communication & Computer Systems (ICCS) - Athens, Greece

Public transportation is at the core of efforts to achieve sustainable mobility and improve urban transport's environmental footprint. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) delivers high-performance operations with fast, comfortable, cost-effective, and efficient transport services, yielding reduced travel and waiting times, increased service reliability, and improved user experience and safety. BRTs are implemented in 181 cities over the world, totaling a length of 5450 km and carrying 33.5 million passengers per day. Europe accounts for 24.3% of all cities with BRTs (44) and 16% of the total length (875km) of BRT systems, but only 4.8% of the transported passengers per day (1.6 million).
In this session, speakers will present:
·       An overview of the opportunities and challenges in the overall implementation of eBRT systems in cities;
·       An analysis of the technological maturity of eBRTs and the potential of developed innovative solutions;
·       Insight on innovative solutions to improve the flexibility and applicability of the eBRT system in different urban contexts;
·       The role of the next generation of BRT systems in accelerating the uptake of zero tailpipe emission, affordable, user-centric solutions (technologies and services) for road-based mobility
·       Good practice guidelines and lessons learnt from cities with eBRT systems already in operation
