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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Connected motorcycles: The technology is ready, are riders?


Talk Description

Institution: TMR - Queensland, Australia

Motorcycle rider fatalities and serious injuries are still a major issue. With emerging technologies, the potential to integrate them as part of a connected system to improve safety outcomes is at the core of this project.

This presentation will share how we developed a prototype of a human interface that can present motorcycle riders with warnings relevant to their current behavior, about situations provided by connected vehicles, clouds, and roadside infrastructure.
The presentation will share insights on this world-leading project: user experience, usability, safety benefits, system performance, and potential adoption, including any behavioral change that may be required for increased adoption and uptake, of connected motorcycle rider safety technologies.
This will inform the Australian government and industry what will be required of them to support and stimulate the adoption of these safety solutions by motorcycle riders, but due to the scale of the project will also provide valuable learnings for countries looking to reduce motorcycle-related incidents.
