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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Utilising predictive simulation to evaluate the impact of construction traffic management



11:45 am

31 August 2023

Eureka 1 (Ground Floor)

BreakOut Session 63: Data Analytics / Ecosystem

Talk Description

Institution: Aimsun - VIC, Australia

This presentation describes the use of predictive simulation to support road and transport authorities to manage the review and approval of permits for works that impact traffic flow, including assessment of the cumulative impacts of simultaneous projects. 
Predictive simulation becomes a foundational element of a next-generation Permit Management System (PMS), which aims to enhance the process of applying for, reviewing, modifying, and approving permits at a network scale. The objective of the PMS is to support the evaluation of proposed traffic management permit applications on a comprehensive basis, including potential impacts from construction and maintenance on multiple sites by multiple project owners. The PMS will incorporate advanced predictive simulation techniques that will enable more accurate evaluations of the potential impacts of the proposed works, considering criteria such as traffic efficiency, safety and environmental impacts. 
The presentation focuses on theoretical implementation plan and workflow, drawing on lessons learned through real world deployment. An overview of a next generation PMS will be provided but the technical content will focus on the development of a hybrid traffic model so that the impacts of proposed traffic diversions can be rapidly assessed on the impacted roadway and the surrounding roadway network. 
The final platform uses visual tools to display information regarding multiple traffic diversions that may adversely impact the same and adjacent roadways and a simplified interface for inputting traffic events, maximising the usability and minimising re-training for agencies.
