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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Ventia's Intelligent Transport Systems Smarter and Greener Upgrade of Melbourne's M80 Freeway



2:00 pm

28 August 2023

Eureka 2 (Ground Floor)

BreakOut Session 12: Smart Motorways and Smart Freeways

Talk Description

Institution: Ventia - Australia

Ventia's Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) team successfully upgraded the M80 freeway in Melbourne with sustainable benefits. The upgrade, covering a 38 km stretch between Sydney and Edgars Roads, included the design and construction of smart freeway ITS devices such as Variable Message Signs (VMS), Lane Used Management System Signs (LUMS), Variable Speed Limit Signs (VSLS), Ramp Metering Control systems, CCTV, and data stations.

The M80 upgrade aimed to widen the freeway, ramps, and install a new freeway management system to provide safer and more reliable journeys for motorists. The project was completed in May 2022, with the section between Sydney Road and Edgars Road recently completed. Ventia's sustainable and cost-effective solutions provided a reduction in electricity consumption-related emissions, reduced maintenance costs, and improved safety for road users.

Ventia delivered the design and delivery of backbone fibre and tail fibre networks, network integration, and associated infrastructure. The team collaborated with Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV), CPB, and manufacturer Compusign to deliver a Type C, high-resolution, full-colour RGB VMS that had not been used before.

The new VMS delivered a reduction of 11.5 to 14 tonnes CO2-equivalent annual emissions due to a substantial reduction in electricity consumption compared to the old versions, thanks to RGB low powered technology. The project saw the first installation of this type of VMS within Victoria, standing at 9.7 by 2.3 metres.

Ventia's focus on sustainable, innovative, and cost-effective solutions ensured the successful delivery of this project, improving travel times and reducing congestion during peak hours.
