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ITS Australia Summit 2023
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Ronny Kutadinata

Senior Technology Leader - National Transport Research Organisation / Australian Road Research Board

Professional Bio

Dr Ronny Kutadinata is a Senior Technology Leader within the Future Technology portfolio at the National Transport Research Organisation (also known as the Australian Road Research Board). He specialises in mathematical modelling of physical systems for optimisation, control and automation. His research interests include vehicle and traffic modelling, network control, transport optimisation, and technology implementation. He has worked on and led various projects and initiatives in the ITS space, such as CAV trials, iMOVE Freight Data Study project, integrated mobility, and traffic signal control. He is also recognised as an expert in his academic field, where he is actively peer-reviewing manuscripts for publications in top ranked journals.

Ronny is moderating session:

28 August 2023 3:45 pm Eureka 2 (Ground Floor)

Ronny's Talks

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