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ITS Australia Summit 2023

A cities approach to Environmental Traffic Management


Talk Description

Institution: Yunex Traffic, Aimsun - Australia

Traffic around our cities is constantly increasing – and consequently so are air pollution and pollutant emissions, especially in urban regions. There are multiple solutions available for Transport Agencies management our environmental challenges, whether they are soft (i.e. supporting change) or hard (i.e. enforcement).  This presentation will explore what is available to Australian cities and how they can be achieved.

According to recent WHO figures, 99% of the world’s population breathes air that exceeds WHO guideline levels. The good news is that approximately 6000 cities in 110 countries are now measuring air levels and want to act.  One area being looked at closer road traffic where solutions are available.  After all, cars and other vehicles emit a large proportion of the emissions that pollute our air. 

The numbers speak for themselves: particulate matter, nitrogen oxides and ground-level ozone are currently considered the pollutants that pollute our air the most and consequently endanger our health the most. Long-term or acute exposure in particular can lead to health problems of varying severity. International learnings and approaches are extremely valuable.  For Europe alone, it is estimated that fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the air reduces life expectancy by about eight months.
