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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Communications infrastructure remediation through a live operational environment


Talk Description

Institution: Main Roads Western Australia - Western Australia, Australia

Main Roads WA owns and operates a large private optical fibre network, the Traffic control Systems Network. The Traffic Control System (TCS) Network stretches for hundreds of kilometres of cable, connecting multiple data centres and server systems, and supporting the operation of thousands of roadside Intelligent transport Devices. An audit of the Traffic Control Systems Network identified that the current approach had met its expansion limits and would not support the future requirements of smart freeways, and V2I communications. The ad hoc approach to building the network had also, over time, introduced single points of failure into the system, creating an unstable system
 Having identified the limits of the current network, Main Roads began a five year programme of works to completely overhaul the fibre network, the data centres and the entire fabric of the communications. The Traffic Control system remediation works would  see a modern, robust and highly adaptive network being installed, while allowing for integration and asset sharing with other government bodies, such as the Public Transport Authority.
 The challenge of the Traffic Control System remediation works in not just how to build a new communication network, data centres, and supporting infrastructure, but how to do so while allowing for the continued operation of the existing system throughout construction. All while dealing with major delays and availability issues brought on by Covid-19. 
 Now a couple of years into the programme, Main Roads has successfully updated much of the underlying infrastructure and servers, seeing a significant improvement in the stability of the communications network. Main Roads now embarks on a process of updating the connection to all the roadside edge devices and data centres. And all this has been done with minimal impact to ongoing road operations.
