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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Computer Vision and Machine-Learning in Traffic Safety and Operational Efficiency


Talk Description

Institution: Advanced Mobility Analytics Group - Australia

Speaker: Dr Simon Washington, PhD

Evaluating and improving the safety and operational efficiency of transportation systems is a complex problem space. Road safety managers and traffic operations typically represent two distinct but complementary disciplines of practice, with the predominant ‘divide’ reflected by a focus on mitigation of crashes and congestion. Traffic operators are focussed on efficient and safe transport systems, where efficiency is achieved through network management. Safety is implicitly ensured through compliance with design and operational guidelines. 

At the risk of oversimplification, success is evidenced by uncongested roads. 

Transportation engineering is undergoing a shift in focus from considering safety once all the mobility objectives have been met - to maximising mobility within the limits of safe operation.

Computer-vision provides the foundation for the scalable analysis of data that can be used to inform actions to improve safety and efficiency. Combining the research behind crash prediction with Computer Vision creates a powerful decision making support system.This can inform actions based on real-time conditions (red-light running, pedestrians crossing during a “no walk” phase) as well as projects and treatments to facilitate better road-user behaviour and address conflict hotspots.

The future of this technology leads us to more intelligent, safer, and more efficient transportation systems powered by data-driven decision making.
