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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Ensuring Correct Planning, Development and Implementation via an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) PDI Framework


Talk Description

Institution: Main Roads WA - Western Australia, Australia

 To improve the quality and consistency of ITS project delivery Main Roads Western Australia has defined a new framework that formalises the ITS project lifecycle. The ITS project framework details how a project progresses from planning and development through to implementation with the artifacts and documents required at each phase.

The ITS project framework provides all project managers at Main Roads with a handbook that provides a clear process on how to deliver projects that include ITS assets or functions, of any scale or complexity. This framework applies a System Engineering foundation that successively builds conceptual, functional then technical details with aligned system testing and commissioning activities. With applicability to both infrastructure projects and systems focused projects, the ITS project framework applies to any both Main Roads project managers and consultants who support the Main Roads project planning, development, and implementation phases.

The process of defining this new ITS project framework will be explored with justification provided for the required artifacts and documents and an exploration of how this framework will apply to projects in practice.
