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ITS Australia Summit 2023

How a systems approach to policy and regulation can help ensure advances in transport technology produce equitable outcomes


Talk Description

Institution: Rudge Consulting - New Zealand

NZ's and other jurisdictions targeted safety, emission and equity outcomes are unlikely to be met if large sections of the population can not take advantage of the new technology.  Many of the transport technology advances have significant, cost, accessability and knowledge barriers that prevent sections of the community participating and benefiting.  

Commercial realities tend to mean that developers have inbuilt barriers to targeting wider or small sections of the population.  The paper will explore how a more systems based approach to policy and regulation can help speed the adoption of technology across all.  In understanding the broader systems at work policy develpers and regulators can better a bigger range of regulatory tools to drive more equitable outcomes.  These may vary from supporting innovators, subsidies for early adopters and disadvantaged, appropriate commmunity engagement and educations and out come based regulation. 
