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ITS Australia Summit 2023

How connected technologies will improve safety on our roads


Talk Description

Institution: Customer Strategy and Technology Division, Transport for NSW - nsw, Australia

With over 1.3 million road related fatalities each year, safety is a primary focus for transport authorities and Governments world-wide. Future mobility, particularly connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) play a key role in transforming cities into smart cities - safer, more liveable, and equitable for all.
As CAVs are equipped to communicate with infrastructure, they can alert drivers of potential risks and prevent them from unsafe behaviour. This technology helps road users move through the network with ease and keep themselves and others safe.

SCATS new product ‘Cit-e’ is a software solution that will provide Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) connections, starting with Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication to CAVs. It aims to improve driver behaviour, vehicle productivity, and deliver enhanced network insights to support network performance and optimisation.
Modelling has shown that two use cases alone - Red Light Violation Warning (RLVW) and turn warning for vulnerable road users, have the potential to reduce fatal crashes. Cit-e provides Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) and Map Data (MAP) messages broadcast via a Roadside Unit (RSU) to CAVs as part of a Co-operative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS). 
Cit-e Trials are underway with Melbourne University’s Australian Integrated Multimodal EcoSystem (AIMES) and in a joint collaboration with University of Sydney, Australian Centre for Field Robotics and iMove – placing Australia at the forefront of C-ITS technology.
This presentation will provide an overview of Cit-e, results of the trials and insights on what it will take for other customers across the globe to realise the benefits of SPaT. 
