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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Implementation of a Real Time Operating Platform to provide sophisticated and real-time controls, data, and insights



11:45 am

30 August 2023

Eureka 3 (Ground Floor)

BreakOut Session 41: Data Analytics / Ecosystems

Talk Description

Institution: Main Roads WA - Western Australia, Australia

As the size of our population and the demands on our road network grow rapidly, so too does the pressure on those who control and operate it. With more systems, data and complexity than ever, we must boldly look forward and adapt, to make our roads better for all. 
The Real Time Operating Platform, or RTOP, is the driving force behind a hyper-intelligent and sustainable transport system. It’s a world-class tool that will integrate our many systems, processes, and assets.
In one intuitive interface, Main Roads’ operators will have sophisticated and real-time controls, data and insights. At last, it will give a complete picture of the interconnected systems and situations occurring on our roads.
The results? It will streamline and turbo-charge the efficiency, operation, and future planning of our roads. Ultimately, for our community and customers, that means journeys that are safer, quicker, and more predictable.
The RTOP is the future of our most advanced and connected road network ever. Developing in house with the inputs and cooperation from real-time operations and ITS operations, it is the one platform to drive a highly responsive, predictable, streamlined, and advanced road network. 
