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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Improving pedestrian and cyclist safety at a signalised intersection using drone footage



3:00 pm

29 August 2023

Hospitality Suite 6 (Level 1)

BreakOut Session 36: Drones, Freight and Logistics



Talk Description

Institution: GHD and RAC - Western Australia, Australia

The intersection of George Street and Wellington Street, West Perth, is signalised with pedestrian crossings.  Analysis of crash data revealed that cyclists are particularly at risk at this intersection. 

To gain a deeper understanding of pedestrian, cyclist and vehicle interaction at this intersection, video footage was collected from a drone. The video footage was processed to produce telemetric data (direction of travel and speed) for vehicles and vulnerable road users (VRUs) that pass through the field of view. Additionally, the video footage was synchronised with the phases of the signals which enabled detailed analytics of signal performance and interaction of road users with them. 

Through this approach it was possible to analyse several metrics which would have been difficult or costly to accurately collect by other means: the length of time VRUs are prepared to wait for a green aspect; the proportions crossing on either a green or red aspect; near misses; and the time taken to complete a crossing of the intersection. Additionally, it was possible to analyse vehicle speeds through the intersection and the proportion of vehicles going through the intersection on red.

The analysis revealed a high proportion of VRUs crossing on a red aspect, which was tied to the signals not being sufficiently optimised for VRUs or vehicles, leading to long VRU waiting times to cross legally. The results have been presented to the relevant roads authority which is now actively considering actions to improve safety for all road users at this intersection. 
