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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Managed motorways/Motorway global developments



1:45 pm

28 August 2023

Eureka 2 (Ground Floor)

BreakOut Session 12: Smart Motorways and Smart Freeways

Talk Description

Institution: WSP - Australia

Globally, cities have been challenged to address road congestion to accommodate continuing population growth. Managed motorways, which incorporate intelligent system tools in and alongside urban freeways to manage traffic, aim to reduce congestion for improved journey times and more reliable and safer journeys. The Melbourne managed motorways concept—developed in the early 2000's by VicRoads [now the Victoria Department of Transport and Planning] and industry partners—came from the recognition that we can’t build our way out of congestion as Melbourne continues to grow. 

Smart Motorway projects are now deployed across Australia by Various State Government and Private Road Authority as a routine component of motorway design.  

The Smart 25 Managed Motorways Pilot Project in Colorado represents the first application in North America of the coordinated and adaptive ramp metering system from the managed motorways approach in Melbourne, Australia. WSP, in partnership with VicRoads [now the Victoria Department of Transport and Planning] was responsible for introducing this concept to the Colorado Department of Transport and conducting the initial regional screening and feasibility study.  

Differences in UK implementations will also be discussed included the use of speed harmonization to prevent or slow down flow breakdown along with the use of dynamic lane management, including all-lane running where there is no permanent shoulder lane.  The UK does not use coordinated ramp metering or signalling—predominantly due to the relatively long distance between intersections and the lack of capacity for queueing vehicles on short, narrow ramps.  
