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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Maritime ITS, a stepping stone towards multimodal mobility and logistics chains



3:30 pm

29 August 2023

Hospitality Suite 6 (Level 1)

BreakOut Session 36: Drones, Freight and Logistics

Talk Description

Institution: ITS Norway - Norway

ITS is inherently multimodal. But, the ITS community in Norway has focused a lot on the road sector. It is about time to expand the ITS horizon to other modes. 
To achieve efficient and optimised multimodal transport chains, mechanisms for data exchange between the actors on land, in the ports/terminals, and the Maritimes must be in place. Data exchange requires standards and clear definitions of ITS concepts in all modes. 
The international shipping community is rapidly undergoing a digital transformation in all areas, including administrative and commercial processes, e-navigation and nautical services and operations. This change prepares the sector for digital cooperation with other modes and domains – paving the way for cross-mode integration and optimisation. 
ITS Norway has been working with maritime administrations, the industry, and researchers to start framing the technologies, regulations and standards that might serve as a useful Maritime ITS definition and concept. This work still needs to be finished, and it needs to be carried out as a collaborative effort with entities like ITS associations, IMO, IHO, IALA and OGC.   
When Maritime ITS is conceptualised and better understood, it will serve as a platform for data exchange between all actors – and be a driver for more efficient logistic chains and more automatisation of vessel and port operations. In the end, this will benefit the climate and safety - and create opportunities for mutual learning processes.
