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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Optimising transport priority on congested roads


Talk Description

Institution: Customer Strategy and Technology Division, Transport for NSW - NSW, Asutralia

Keeping the network moving and ensuring safety on the roads were a key focus for Qatar during the 2022 FIFA World Cup which hosted more than 1.4 million people from across the globe.
Qatar has a high density of local road traffic let alone during a major global event. This is why the Public Work Authority ‘Ashghal’, who are responsible for Qatar’s transport network, with the help of Quick Turn Circuits (QTC) and Key Technical International (KTC), deployed SCATS Priority Engine (SPE) for the FIFA World Cup. KTC referred to the deployment as ‘a distinctive breakthrough in the history of football’.
The SPE solution prioritises bus transportation for players, coaches, and media correspondents. KTC integrated the Qatar Bus Fleet Management System with SPE, allowing the Road Management Centre to synchronise and automate the change of traffic light signals to green for priority buses. SCATS Priority Engine processed 11,395 requests across 150 intersections and 88 bus routes for 327 registered buses. The result was a reduction in travel time to the World Cup Stadium – reducing delays, obstructions and stops.
Having successfully supported a global event, SCATS is now implementing SPE in the Northern Territory with an ambulance priority trial for St John Ambulance. The trial is in partnership with Micro Connect, providing priority across 15 intersections in Darwin, clearing the path and allowing quicker response times for emergencies.
This presentation will share lessons learned from the Qatar and Northern Territory deployments and share how other cities can take advantages of this technology. 
