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ITS Australia Summit 2023

State Wide Virtual Variable Message Signs through in car applications


Talk Description

Institution: Main Roads WA - WA, Australia

One of Main Roads WA key responsibilities is to use “technology to optimise the real-time management of the network and provide traveller information”. With over 600 Bluetooth detectors on WA's network which continuously collect travel time data for the metropolitan area, the travel time and real-time congestion information is invaluable for the public.  
Developing in-house using a global positioning system (GPS) geo-location foundation, Traffic WA is an app broadcast traveller information to our customers through C-ITS technology, aiming to ensure road users are more informed and can better plan their journeys.  
TrafficWA provides reliable and relevant real-time traffic condition information to ensure informed en-route decision making. It encourages road users to review their travel route predominantly during incidents, roads work, events or excessive congestion, and improve information to road users. It improves safety in the event of changing road conditions from planned events or incidents impacting journeys and assist in optimising operation of the road network with the aim to provide informed and reliable journeys.  
To be used as virtual Variable Massage Signs, TrafficWA will play a significant part in event management across WA. 
