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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Universally Designed Autonomous Vehicle People Mover Research


Talk Description

Institution: Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland University of Technology - QLD, Australia

A common narrative around connected and autonomous vehicles (AVs) is that they will improve mobility and inclusivity for the community. 
However, development in AVs to date has largely focused on navigation systems, sensors and software development while aspects such as accessibility for diverse user groups, are not explicitly or adequately considered. 
Therefore, AVs are likely to fall short of providing adequate provisions for all members of the community. 
The Department of Transport and Main Roads has partnered with Queensland University of Technology to develop design principles for an accessible AV for the Australian market. 
Research conducted include a survey with end users, focus groups with key stakeholder experts, and detailed data review of existing AVs. 
This presentation will discuss findings and initial design requirements for an accessible AV based on the research conducted. 
For example, findings highlight several key requirements: a configurable seating system that facilitates circulation and access for mobility device users, accessible interfaces and vehicle-passenger communications, and improved cognitive ergonomics through design semantics and aesthetics. 
Enhanced personal safety for passengers was a key concern due to a perceived lack of assistance or monitoring from vehicle operators using autonomous vehicles, during normal travel and emergency situations. 
Furthermore, the need to address issues around transport access with existing infrastructure and built environment were key to accessibility. 
This presentation will conclude with discussion of the next phase of the research including the initial concept design and construction of a 1:1 physical prototype AV for testing with end users and industry experts.
