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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Breakout Session 54: iMOVE Australia: A cooperative research centre approach to tackling transport challenges: decarbonising transport through collaboration

Break Out Session

Session Description

Having recently signed its 200th project, iMOVE is across a large range of thinking and activity going on in the transport and mobility space. As a cooperative research centre, our goal is to maximise the R&D benefits to our partners and communities by supporting this activity and adding further value to the process. This involves finding new and common ground between organisations for further opportunities, and finding and supporting different ways of working together.

In this session we will highlight some of the project successes so far and consider the nature and role of successful collaborations in delivering these, particularly as they contribute to our urgent need to decarbonise transport. It will also consider other ways in which iMOVE is supporting collaboration and creation of knowledge for the sector, including through its education program.

We will present some of the high-quality research being undertaken through our large PhD program – a sometimes undervalued mechanism for delivering new thinking and talent into the sector.

The iMOVE team will also be on hand to talk to you about your ideas and projects you are looking to get off the ground.

Program and speakers

Session moderated by Jacqueline King, Head of Communications, iMOVE

  • Introduction, presentation on R&D success and the nature of collaboration: Ian Christensen, Managing Director, iMOVE
  • The value of PhDs: Frazer Thorpe, iMOVE Education Manager
  • Short PhD presentations and discussion:
    - The implementation of sustainable transport policies, Miguel Loyola - The University of Sydney
  • General Q&A throughout the session

Please click here to visit the iMOVE website.
