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ITS Australia Summit 2023

Special Interest Session 5: Innovation does not mean automation: Community Transport and the innovation landscape

Special Interest Session

Special Interest Session

11:00 am

29 August 2023

Hospitality Suite 7 (Level 1)

Session Description

The community transport industry is a quality of life business – existing to support people to live better and more connected lives through inclusive, equitable and accessible transport solutions.  Human connection is at the heart of the community transport business model – therefore innovation cannot automatically mean automation.  A sustainable, integrated and connected transport system can also be a community service that is equitable, inclusive, safe and available for ALL. Community transport is not a point A to point B service - community transport is for people who find themselves vulnerable to more mass and public modes of transport, for those who would otherwise be locked out by more automated, optimized and scheduled transport services. Often constrained by funding silos, burdensome regulation, convoluted Government compliance and eligibility constraints.  Efficiencies and innovations are found when providers harness their locus of control, both within their own organisations but also alongside other organisations who share the same values. Innovations must be sought by exploring progressive ideas while also cementing our industry’s purpose to support the individual human experience.   In this panel discussion community transport professionals will discuss their experience innovating to build a new business model while maintaining in community, human focused service delivery to the people accessing transport.  
